The Roses Creative Awards 2013

IonaBBecome UK were delighted to be one of the main sponsors for the 2013 Roses Creative Awards. The event was held at The Mercure Manchester Piccadilly Hotel which had stunning views across the heart of the city. It was a beautiful spring evening and we were greeted by a champagne reception.

It was mine and James’ first time at an Awards Ceremony, so we were really looking forward to the evening ahead. The room was stunning and well suited to an Awards Ceremony. It was the perfect backdrop to a night of Creative excellence across advertising, design and digital disciplines.

There were multiple awards to be presented during the night, which highlighted just how much creative talent there is within our industry! All the winners received beautifully crafted glass trophies and had their pictures taken.

The much-coveted “Grand Prix” and “Agency Of The Year” awards were both won by BJL – and they managed to amass 16 awards on the evening in total. Their Creative Director, Tom Richards, gave a great speech at the end.

Screen Shot 2013-05-09 at 12.02.47After the awards the dance floor opened and some unusual “shape-throwing” occurred! Everyone was in high spirits and celebrated their fantastic achievements.

Overall everyone had a fantastic night, which included a lovely meal and a few drinks to top it off. I am definitely looking forward to the next Event already!

You can view on the photos from the Roses Creative Awards here

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