‘Become a true partner’

A DBA breakfast with Kate Blandfordjess2_blkwhite

There is a first time for everything and this seminar was my first DBA experience to date. Arriving at Spitalfield’s Patisserie Valerie on a snowy Monday morning, the location was already a winner. A little sceptical of what to expect, Kate Blandford greeted everyone upon arrival and created a relaxed and “chilled” atmosphere.

Once everyone had taken to their seats after grabbing a hot drink and a tasty pastry, Kate began her interesting and current talk on building strong, productive partnerships between agency and client.

Kate’s speech was lively, humorous and relevant to everyone. She reiterated a few phrases that stuck in mind; “partnership is about attitude”, “be a role model for open communication” and “make sure the partner attitude relationship is true”. The Q&A that followed picked up on these quotes hearing from delegates of all levels.

What I noticed and enjoyed was the openness and honesty between delegates and speaker. Personal experiences with clients were discussed and what started as a Q&A turned into a impromptu brainstorming session.

After a great seminar and a few laughs everyone went their separate ways heading back out into the arctic blizzard. Kate’s top tip from the seminar and relevant for all industries was  “communication is key to any successful partnership”.

For more information on DBA check their website at http://www.dba.org.uk/membership/intro.asp and we look forward to attending many more seminars in the coming weeks.

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